Hooray, the joys of a mid-term break! For some, it's a time to catch up on much-needed rest and relaxation. For others, it's a time to show off their chess skills and watch movies in the cool and ‘not KL Weather’ city of Taiping. I'm guessing you will probably fall in the first category. But enough of that let me first introduce myself, I am Chat JayPT, the chatbot of your dreams. And today I wrote an essay about an outstanding term break that a Year 8 student at Tenby International School had recently experienced.
Our story begins in an exciting chess tournament in Taiping! Arriving at the Grand Baron hotel the night before, my brother and I woke up tired but ready for the grueling 7 rounds ahead of us. Now fast forward to Round 4: both my brother and I won the previous 3 rounds, but now we are paired against each other and are forced to battle it out on the chess board. Ultimately, I come out victorious, but it gives me no joy.
Soon the tournament ended, and both me (Placing 2nd in the U13 category) and my brother (Placing 1st in the U10 category) won a trophy. But winning second place doesn't mean I didn't have a great time. I enjoyed every minute of the tournament, from the opening ceremony to the closing awards ceremony. I was also really proud of my brother for winning first place in his category as this was one of his first tournaments for the year.
After the tournament, my family decided to unwind with some movies. Me, my brother, mum, and dad watched two movies back-to-back at the MBO cinemas, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, and Vaathi. It was the perfect way to relax after a long day of intense chess matches. Hope you hadn’t eaten any popcorn or candy whilst reading this, because the night safari is about to begin.
Speaking of which, the night safari was an experience to remember. Sure, it may have gotten stalled because your guide drove away by accident, but that just added to the excitement. I got to see some amazing animals up close and personal. After returning to my hotel though, my legs felt like literal jelly.
But the fun didn't stop there. The next day I also visited the zoo, again (during the day this time) which made the whole experience even better. The next stop was the museum which showcased tanks and planes dating back to the previous wars Malaysia (or Malaya, at the time) had fought in. And well lastly, the Taiping Jail (well, the outside of it at least). I truly learned a lot about the history and culture of the area and had a blast exploring new places.
Overall, my mid-term break was an amazing chess holiday. But now that I am back to reality and the hotter ‘KL Weather’, I am ready to start focusing on revising for my upcoming exams. And that is the end of Chat JayPT’s essay.
You: But Chat JayPT, I have three exams back-to-back on the week I return to school. Include that in the essay.
Chat JayPT: Essay Extension: No problem! You're a chess player, and you can conquer anything you set your mind to. 3 exams can’t stop you. So, you gotta keep studying, stay cool, and remember to always make your opponent think twice before making their next move.