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Cultivate a culture of contributing

We At Tenby is a platform used to enable young leaders here in Tenby Setia Eco Park to share their experiences, advice, and knowledge with the younger years and peers. We want students to be able to inspire and motivate each other by sharing their achievements and struggles.

Promote personal growth and development


At this age and time, it is extremely critical that students learn the importance of self-development and practice exercises that allow them to reach their full potential and personal happiness and fulfilment. Even though we realise that students will take their own time in realising this, we hope that We At Tenby can be easily accessible at any time for anyone.

What is We At Tenby?

We At Tenby is Tenby SEP’s student-led website which has a collection of shared experiences as students in Tenby SEP in hopes to inspire more students to reach their full potential or better yet, connect them to people who can help them break their own boundaries.  

Our most recent articles

Our most recent articles

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