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International Week: A Time of Togetherness


International Week is a time of togetherness. It is a week where we put aside our differences and celebrate the traditions, practices, beliefs, and values of all. It is a week where we can share stories of our heritage and share insights about our backgrounds. It is a week where we come together and celebrate the equality, we all have no matter where we come from. But this year’s International Week is truly going to be a special one.

After 2 and a half years of lockdowns, social distancing, and isolation, this year’s International Week is going to be an opportunity for us to strengthen bonds with our friends, build new relationships with those from different backgrounds, and most importantly understand and appreciate the importance of culture and heritage in our lives. Every single Tenbian has a different story to tell whether it be about their traditions, practices, beliefs, values, or experiences every single story is special, and, in this year’s, International Week for the first time in 2 and a half years we will be getting to hear these stories face to face.

International Week this year will comprise of a parade, a global market, decorations, dress-ups, and much more. But what I think most of us take for granted is the reason behind this. There is so much culture and heritage behind any tradition and being able to express that is an opportunity like no other. Additionally, I am very sure that we’ve all been looking out waiting for when we can go on another parade like we did during pre-covid times and thankfully we don’t have to wait any longer. This coupled with all the delicious traditional meals and fantastic costumes we will get to see is truly what makes International Week this year a special one.

However, out of all the activities I mentioned previously, none of them come close to my favourite. My favourite thing that is part of International Week is…Drum Roll Please… learning about the country we are itself. I know that this may sound cliché and a bit obvious but the reason I love this so much is because it wouldn’t normally occur to me to do something like this. In every International Week, that I can remember we have all been assigned a country. And each time we have to research and understand the country. But this task has a greater meaning to it. It allows us to go out of our way to try and understand the culture of a foreign country. This is what it means to be a global citizen and yes although this information may not seem apparently useful, but it really is. Because it allows you to flip another page in the ever-expanding book of life. And that is really what International Week is all about! A Week of togetherness! A week of global citizenship! A Week of stories! A Week of Culture! A Week of Heritage! and A Week of Tradition! I hope that this article inspires you to listen to the stories told by all and helps you flip a page in the book of life. A very Happy International Week and I can’t wait to see you all in your amazing outfits!

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