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One's Fondest Memory



Memories - the term used to describe something remembered from the past. Memories are the deciding factor that sculpt us to form the people we are today. Memories make up who we are and memories are our moral compasses. As humans, we value the good memories as they are the highest point of our lives. As of today, the 24th of May, I decided to share this opportunity with the many students in Tenby, encouraging them to share their memories. So to do this, I ran around the school with my phone asking for students to share their memories in Tenby.


Rowan 9E - “Music lessons.” Aryan 9E - “When we used to play football in Year 6.”

Sydney 10N - “My best memories were during my childhood.”

Yan Lin 7E - “Hanging out with friends, especially those around me.”

JunWoo 10E - “My best memory is meeting my friends after a long time of online learning.”

Jaden 9T - “My best memories were going out with my friends to Sunway to play laser tag.”

Noelle 7E - “My most cherished memory is when I met my friend group and since then, I have been spending every single second with them. I realized they are quite fun to be around.”

Ellery 7T - “My best memory would probably be finding these 2 people's secrets.”

Nicholas 9E - “Meeting my friends.”

Elisa 7Y - “Meeting my best friends and being able to spend time with them.”

Joon Hwan 10E - “My best memory would probably getting selected for the Hamilton Olympiad.”

Jing 10E - “When I got married.”

Natalie 10Y - “My best memory would be when I got divorced.”

They’re joking, of course!

Jaden 9E - “My best memory is when I did good on my tests.”

Marko 7Y - “I loved playing basketball during PE.”

Lucas 10Y - “My best memory was playing in a band with Damien in the End Of Term performance last year.”

Mei Li 10N - “My favourite memory would be writing and producing a song called “In Love With Christmas.” Where can we find that? Mei Li - “I am not sure yet but it's still in the making!”

Jesper 10N - “My best memory from this school would probably be the memories I have made with my friends. They made my journey in this school stupendously remarkable, and unforgettable. I honestly don’t think I would like this school if it wasn’t for them. They made it an enjoyable experience and I am thankful to all of them. And of course I couldn’t forget about the wonderful teachers. They were so kind to me, they helped me enjoy learning and guided me throughout my learning journey. I had horrible experiences in my previous school, so transitioning to Tenby allowed me to participate more than I ever would. I am extremely thankful to all the hardworking teachers in this school. ”

Yanson 7E - “Probably hanging out with friends.”

Damien 10E - “My best memory I have so far in my 3 years of studying at TIS is forming a band and performing with Lucas for the End Of Term performance. We performed ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’. As of the moment, we have formed a pretty significant band.”

Annamaitra 7E - “Coming back from online classes to meet my friends physically in Year 7.”

Germaine 10N - “I have a lot of nice memories throughout these years, however my best memory this month is being able to hang out with my friends during lunch time!”

Aditya 7N - “My favourite memory at Tenby is playing football.”

Amzar 7N - “I don’t really have one.”

Kyra 10N - “My best memory would be my 16th birthday party where I invited all my friends.”

Polly 10B - “I had an IGCSE PE lesson. During this lesson we studied personal survival - we swam in the pool learning different ways to enter the pool without injuring ourselves whilst learning to keep an eye on the subject in front of us as we swim.”

Nicole 10Y - “My best memory is probably reading in the library with my friends”

Nicole 10B - “Well, because I was pressured to do this, it would probably be cleaning the art room with my friends” (disclaimer: Nobody was pressured during the making of this article)

Lauren 10T - “My best memory is that time in Year 9 where my friends and I were playing in Primary while on the way to visit our old teachers, however my friend dropped her tupperware into a rubbish bin. I was going to get it since she didn’t want to and when I reached in, my best friend decided to dunk my head into it. She missed so my head collided with the edges of the bin and I started bleeding. Now that I think of it, it’s quite funny but it wasn’t funny back then…”

Eugene 10B - “My best memory from school was when we went on an Art trip during Year 7 or 8, I can’t really remember since it's been so long. We went to an Islamic Art museum. I really enjoyed it with Luk. I want to go on another trip.”

Han Sheng 10T - “Definitely making friends here - yay woo hoo!”

Ava 10E - “I really missed the activities week in year 7 when we went to Tioman, that was really fun!”

Willard 10N - “I really enjoyed the day we had to wear pink.”

Jia Hsin 10B - “My best memory is doing maths in Maths class.”

Isabelle 10E - " A favourite memory of mine is going shopping at a mall with my sister after having a bad day."

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May 29, 2022

this is goated

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