Routines, I am sure everybody has head that word before. It's an essential that stabilizes the process of living. As a student we all have a somewhat common routine: wake up, wash up, eat breakfast and leave to school. Now what happens after school is what gives everybody a sense of individualism as nobody does the same routine. Many students have different routines that they live out. My personal routine is a normal one, waking up for school and coming back by 3.30. Coming back for the usual training or tuition is how my days go by. But I am sure you aren't interested in some random students' routine, so here are some comments summarizing their routines that all belong to students.
"Playing the guitar or working on a video game code"
"Revision for tests"
"Exercising to keep myself fit"
"I usually come back to give myself a well earned rest as school is stressful"
"Listening to music while finishing assignments"
As you can see from these few examples, many students have different routines and while routines create a sense of sustainability and a smooth way to live out life without needing to fear for many unexpected possibilities, sometimes it may get boring. Personally I feel that although routines are beneficial, students should try mixing their routines up. As our breaks are slowly approaching it won't harm anybody to have a little change in our routines: wake up earlier, try painting a picture, watch a new series, pick up a new hobby... and the list goes on. At the end of the day, routines help us glide through life smoothly, and it may seem weird or uneasy adding change into it. Personally I believe if it may benefit us, then why not experiment?