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The New Normal

Jing Yi

The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been very difficult for all of us. The wave of covid infections swept around the globe like wildfire, taking the lives of millions and forever changing the course of history. The pandemic has had its ups and downs, and in this article I will be covering them.

To begin with, Covid-19 forced us to isolate ourselves from the outside world. Many people began facing mental health problems and conditions. There were increased levels of alcohol and drug intake, and more people began suffering from insomnia, anxiety and depression. However, we soon adapted to our situation. We learnt how ro maintain proper hygiene and how to take care of ourselves. Additionally, we improved our mobile device skills and we learnt how to connect with others over the internet.

To gain more insight into the experiences people faced during the pandemic, I sat down and interviewed Aayan, a Year 8 student.

Hello! Firstly, how did the Covid-19 pandemic affect you?

Covid-19 has had both positive and negative effects on my daily life and routine. COVID-19 has made me learn how to adapt with different changes to the world, such as lockdown, travel restrictions, etc. However, it has limited my physical and social activities as well as increased my screen time by a lot.

How did you feel when you first found out about the outbreak of Covid-19?

When the virus first started gaining attention around late January, my family and I didn’t think of it as a serious issue. We were traveling to a different country at that time and we wore masks just in case. We believed that this virus was just a normal flu and would stay within the boundaries of China.

In conclusion, to prevent the infection from spreading, do the following:

⤷ Ensure that you are vaccinated

⤷ Stay at least 1 metre apart from others at all times

⤷ Wear a mask when around others

⤷ Wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitisers whenever possible

⤷ Stay home and quarantine yourself if you are experiencing any symptoms of the virus

How did Covid-19 affect you? Share your experiences in the comments below!

Author & Interviewer: Jing Yi, 8E

Interviewee: Aayan, 8E

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